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Friday, February 13, 2009

Celebrate in Wonderland: From your Valentine

Shedding my somewhat pessimistic views of this holiday we celebrate today I author this post as my Valentine to you all!
First an awesome video on the history of the romantic holiday.
And a little bit about my love
Allan and I met a little over 5 years ago. I was bartending
and he was playing in a band. Our first real conversation 
was about music. I can't play any instruments and I can't 
sing to save my life. He told me he felt that there was an 
instrument for everyone and I just needed to find mine.
I still haven't found that instrument, but even so my life has 
been filled with music and love ever since. We've had our
share of bad times and more than our share of great 
times. We have the ability to build each other up to the 
highest heights, but with that comes the ability to bring 
each other down to the lowest of lows. I think that is what 
love is about. It's about trust, companionship, and support
through it all. It's about forgiving and learning.
Or at least that's what I figured out so far.
My message to you
This valentine's day, it doesn't matter if you're single or taken, celebrate love.  Celebrate the loves you've had, your present loves, and the love you will surely experience 
in the future.


  1. this was such a sweet post. thank you

  2. "Celebrate the loves you've had, your present loves, and the love you will surely experience
    in the future."

    I think I will. Thanks! :)


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