Sunday, May 31, 2009
Excited in Wonderland: Hoop Dance
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Celebrating in Wonderland: Creative Spirits 2009
Allan working hard as the volunteer bartender.
Quincy, contributing artist & Dan
a couple of Luke's paintings
Quincy's money maker
I can't exactly remember how many times I've taken part in this show. I do know that the first year I did, I was still in high school. I remember that feeling of watching as my piece was being bid on and finally being sold. This year's show was maybe the most fun I've had, but I think last year was the most cash I brought in for the cause. Last year I sold 2 paintings and made about $100 doing henna. That was 3 hours of henna non stop. ugh. I think my favorite part of the show is that every year more of my friends get involved. Some donate artwork and some volunteer for set up or to bartend. In our circle this show is a big deal. We look forward to it all year long. And the featured artists, the Guma Mami consumers, are absolutely amazing. The work they create year after year is inspiring. :) Can't wait until next year's show!!!
Crafting in Wonderland: wine swap update

So it's been a while and I never recieved from my wine themed swap partner. I hope she's okay. She really seemed nice and super excited about the swap. Someone else has volunteered to be my swap angel though. :) I love the crafting community!!
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Crafting in Wonderland: Victorian Swap
Working in Wonderland: Decorating the Desk

The cutsey dog and cat are actually staple-less staplers. They can be found in the eco friendly section. I'd love one of these.

The wall mounted file holder would be awesome in front of my desk. It'd do me a favor and keep my desk clutter free. I can't function in clutter. And the memo blocks are just nice to look at.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Crafting in Wonderland: Skirt!
Memorial in Wonderland: disheartened

I'm not sure if the author has known any one in the military or any veterans. My father, brother, and grand father were in the military. My uncle is in Kuwait right now. I have so many friends who are in the military. Most of these men and women joined fresh out of high school. They joined to support their families. They joined to make a living when there weren't many other opportunities. They joined to protect their families and friends from hostile forces and a failing economy. They did not join to murder or to rape and neither did most of their brothers and sisters who've lost their lives in war. I don't feel it is our right to judge the souls of generations of soldiers who died believing they were protecting freedom. Whether war is right or wrong their intentions were in the right place.

Saturday, May 23, 2009
Life in Wonderland: waiting on the world to change
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Community in Wonderland: Vick's realease

tons of good vibes going out to: All or Nothing Pit Bull Rescue and the many other people and organizations who helped care for and rehabilitate Vick's dogs, as well as countless other animals in need.
Shopping in Wonderland: Design Sponge find

Thursday, May 14, 2009
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Celebrating in Wonderland: Help me with the birthday menu!
As you can tell I'm looking for yummy, inexpensive and simple recipes. If you have any additional ideas I'd appreciate it. Keep in mind it has to be recipes that don't need to be served hot.
I'm planning on serving these on my Urban Outfitter's spider plates, d.i.y. coffin trays, and whatever else I can find that fits the theme and my non existent budget. :P
Friday, May 8, 2009
Down in Wonderland: It's really sad.
It's actually disgusting and honestly I'd rather they had put the dogs down humanely or even just shot them. But there are animal activists going in and trying to help the animals by leaving food and getting them off the island. I hope that goes well and there isn't any permanent damage done to the surviving dogs.
But you know what is pretty crazy? From what I've heard, in the U.S. people don't do things like this to dogs, but they do transport homeless people from state to state. The state offers homeless people a free ride to the next state. I heard they've ended up all the way in Hawaii and maybe even here on Guam. Okay so it's less likely that homeless people will turn to cannibalism, but still I don't think we should be shipping people or animals away just to pretty up our streets.
Read the article.
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Celebrating in Wonderland: Happy Cinco De Mayo!
Drink Responsibly!!!